Talking about jobs and occupations in Moroccan Arabic is a part of introducing yourself while talking to someone, it might be in order to talk about careers as well as understanding conversations where the topic is related to professions. Note that the jobs listed below are in masculine form, but you can generally obtain the feminine form by adding “a” to the end as we talked about in this post.

Jobs And Occupations In Moroccan Arabic
English | Transcribed Moroccan Arabic | Using Arabic Alphabet |
Accountant | Mo7asib | محاسب |
Actor/Actress | Momettil | ممتل |
Architect | Mohendis mi3mari | مهندس معماري |
Athlete | Riyadi | رياضي |
Author | Katib | كاتب |
Baker | Khebbaz | خباز |
Barber | Hallaq | حلاق |
Boxer | Boxeur | بوكسور |
Broker | Semsar | سمسار |
Builder | Bennay | بناي |
Businessman | Rajol a3mal | رجل أعمال |
Butcher | Gezzar | گزار |
Cameraman | Cameraman | كاميرامان |
Carpenter | Nejjar | نجار |
Cashier | Kisyi | كيسيي |
Catholic nun | Rahiba | راهبة |
Chambermaid | Kheddama | خدامة |
Chef | Patron | باطرون |
Clerk | Katib | كاتب |
Clown | Klun | كلون |
Coach | Coach | كوتش |
Construction worker | Bennay | بناي |
Cook | Tebbakh | طباخ |
Craftsman | Sani3 Taqlidi | سانع تقليدي |
Dentist | Tbib snan | طبيب السنان |
Detective | Spiktur | سبيكتور |
Director | Modir | مدير |
Diver | Ghettas | غطاس |
Doctor | Tbib | طبيب |
Doorman | 3essas | عساس |
Driver | Shifor | شيفور |
Editor | Editor | إديتور |
Electrician | Trisyan | تريسيان |
Employee | Mowaddaf | موضف |
Engineer | Mohendis | مهندس |
Farmer | Fella7 | فلاح |
Firefighter | Bombi | بومبي |
Fisherman | Siyyad | صياد |
Flight attendant | Modifat Tayaran | مضيفة طيران |
Footballer | La3ib dlkora | لاعب د الكورة |
Forest ranger | Haris lghaba | حارس الغابة |
Gardener | Jardinier | جاردينيي |
Gendarme | Jadarmi | جدارمي |
Grocer | Mul l7aout | مول لحانوت |
Guardian | 3essas | عساس |
Hairdresser | 7ellaq | حلاق |
Housekeeper | La bonne | لا بون |
Housewife | Rabbat bayt | ربة بيت |
Imam | Imam | إمام |
Inspector | Mufettish | مفتش |
Job | Khedma | خدامة |
Journalist | Sa7afi | صحافي |
Judge | Qadi | قاضي |
Lawyer | Mo7ami | محامي |
Librarian | Amin lmaktaba/ Aminat lmaktaba | أمين المكتبة / أمينة المكتبة |
Lifeguard | Maitre-nageur | ميطر ناجور |
Magician | Magician | ماجيسيان |
Mechanic | Mikanisian | ميكانيسيان |
Model | Model | مودل |
Monk | Rahib | راهب |
Musician | Mosiqi | موسيقي |
Nurse | Fermli | فرملي |
Occupation | Khedma | خدامة |
Optician | Optician | أوبتيسيان |
Painter | Ressam | رسام |
Paramedic | Farmasian | فارماسيان |
Pharmacist | Farmasian | فارماسيان |
Photographer | Mosewwir | مصوير |
Pilot | Pilote | پيلوط |
Pirate | Qorsan | قرصان |
Plumber | Plombi | پلومبي |
Poet | Sha3ir | شاعر |
Police officer | Dabit | ضابط |
Policeman | Bolisi | بوليسي |
Policewoman | Bolisiya | بوليسية |
Politician | Siyasi | سياسي |
Porter | Hammal | حمال |
Postman | Factur | فاكتور |
President | Ra2is | رئيس |
Prime minister | Wazir awwal | وزير أول |
Professor | Ostad | أستاد |
Psychologist | Tbib nafsi | طبيب نفسي |
Real estate agent | Semsar | سمسار |
Receptionist | Receptionist | ريسيبسيونيست |
Repairman | Reparatur | ريباراتور |
Reporter | Morasil | مراسل |
Researcher | Ba7et | باحت |
Sailor | Bahri | بحري |
Sales representative | Mandub mabi3at | مندوب مبيعات |
Salesman | Tajir | تاجر |
Scientist | 3alim | عالم |
Secretary | Sikritir | سيكريتير |
Shoemaker | Kherraz | خراز |
Singer | Moghenni | مغني |
Soldier | 3eskri | عسكري |
Student | Talib | طالب |
Surgeon | Doctor jerrah | دكتور جراح |
Tailor | Khiyyat | خياط |
Taxi driver | Shifor dyal taxi | شيفور ديال الطاكسي |
Teacher (primary school) | Mo3ellim | معلم |
Technician | Teknisian | تكنيسيان |
Train conductor | Chifor dyal tran | شيفور ديال التران |
Translator | Moterjim | مترجم |
Travel agent | Wakil asfar | وكيل أسفار |
Veterinarian (vet) | Tbib baytari | طبيب بيطري |
Waiter/Waitress | Serbay/Serbaya | سرباي |
Welder | Sudur | سودور |
Writer | Katib | كاتب |
Note: you can practice what you’ve learned here, and learn how to pronounce each of the words in our Memrise course here, don’t know how to use the platform or sign up? we’ve got you covered in this easy-to-follow tutorial here.
Moroccan Arabic Jobs and Occupations Study Guide
Instructions: Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences based on the provided “Jobs and Occupations in Moroccan Arabic” excerpt from Lingualid.
- What is the primary purpose of learning job and occupation vocabulary in Moroccan Arabic according to the article?
- How can you typically form the feminine version of job titles in Moroccan Arabic, as mentioned in the article? Provide an example.
- What resource does the article recommend for practicing the pronunciation of the listed jobs and occupations?
- Besides the list itself, what other element does the article provide to aid in understanding the pronunciation of the Moroccan Arabic words?
- Who is the author of the Lingualid article “Jobs and Occupations in Moroccan Arabic”?
- What is the stated mission of the Lingualid platform?
- What does the name “Lingualid” stand for?
- What is the primary focus of the Lingualid platform according to the “About” section?
- How does the article encourage reader engagement beyond simply reading the content?
- What year does the copyright notice at the bottom of the webpage list?
Answer Key
- Learning job and occupation vocabulary in Moroccan Arabic is important for introducing oneself in conversations and for understanding discussions related to professions and careers.
- The article states that you can usually form the feminine version of job titles by adding “a” to the masculine form. For example, “Mo7asib” (accountant – masculine) becomes “Mo7asiba” (accountant – feminine).
- The article recommends using their Memrise course to practice the pronunciation of the jobs and occupations. A link to the course is provided within the text.
- The article provides a phonetic transcription of each Moroccan Arabic word alongside the English translation. This helps learners understand how to pronounce the words.
- The author of the article is Oualid Cheddadi.
- Lingualid’s mission is to inspire independent language learners worldwide, regardless of the language they are learning.
- “Lingualid” is derived from the Portuguese word for “language,” “língua,” and the last three letters of Oualid’s name, “Lid.”
- Based on the “About” section, Lingualid is a language blog.
- The article encourages readers to comment with their own job titles in Moroccan Arabic in the comments section.
- The copyright notice at the bottom of the webpage lists the year 2024.
That was our list of 100 jobs and occupations in Moroccan Arabic, comment your job below in the comments!
Happy learning!
Oualid Cheddadi is a language enthusiast who created Lingualid with the mission to inspire independent language learners worldwide, regardless of the language they are learning. The name “Lingualid” is derived from the Portuguese word for “language,” “língua,” and the last three letters of Oualid’s name, “Lid.”