Here is a list of the most common verbs in Spanish (with audio), containing more than 200 verbs, it’s essential for Spanish learners who would like to expand their vocabulary and express their ideas more comfortably.

Most Common Verbs In Spanish
English | Spanish |
Accept | Aceptar |
Achieve | Alcanzar |
Admit | Admitir |
Affect | Afectar |
Agree | Estar de acuerdo |
Allow | Permitir |
Answer | Responder |
Appear | Aparecer |
Apologize | Pedir perdón |
Argue | Argumentar |
Arrange | Organizar |
Arrive | Llegar |
Ask (for something) | Pedir |
Ask (a question) | Preguntar |
Attend | Assistir |
Avoid | Evitar |
Become | Convertirse |
Begin | Empezar |
Believe | Creer |
Borrow | Pedir prestado |
Break | Romper |
Breathe | Respirar |
Bring | Traer |
Build | Construir |
Buy | Comprar |
Call | Llamar |
Care | Cuidar |
Carry | Cargar |
Catch | Tomar |
Cause | Causar |
Change | Cambiar |
Check | Comprobar |
Choose | Elegir |
Clean | Limpiar |
Close | Cerrar |
Collect | Recoger |
Come | Venir |
Complain | Quejarse |
Complete | Completar |
Consist of | Consistir en |
Concentrate | Concentrarse |
Congratulate | Felicitar |
Contain | Contener |
Continue | Continuar |
Contribute | Contribuir |
Control | Controlar |
Correct | Corregir |
Cost | Costar |
Could | Podría |
Count | Contar |
Create | Crear |
Cross | Cruzar |
Cry | Llorar |
Cut | Cortar |
Damage | Dañar |
Deal | Tratar |
Deliver | Entregar |
Deny | Negar |
Describe | Describir |
Destroy | Destruir |
Develop | Desarrollar |
Disappear | Desaparecer |
Discover | Descubrir |
Do | Hacer |
Dress | Vestirse |
Drink | Beber |
Drive | Conducir |
Eat | Comer |
Encourage | Alentar |
Enjoy | Aprovechar |
Exist | Existir |
Expect | Esperar |
Experience | Experimentar |
Explain | Explicar |
Express | Expresar |
Face | Enfrentarse |
Fall | Caer |
Feel | Sentir |
Fill | Rellenar |
Find | Encontrar |
Finish | Terminar |
Fly | Volar |
Follow | Seguir |
Forget | Olvidar |
Forgive | Perdonar / disculpar |
Form | Formar |
Give | Dar |
Go | Ir |
Grow | Crecer |
Happen | Pasar |
Have | Tener |
Hear | Escuchar |
Help | Ayudar |
Hide | Ocultar |
Hold | Sostener |
Hope | Esperar |
Imagine | Imaginar |
Improve | Mejorar |
Increase | Aumentar |
Influence | Influir |
Inform | Informar |
Invite | Invitar |
Keep | Mantener |
Know | Conocer |
Last | Durar |
Laugh | Reír |
Learn | Aprender |
Leave (a place) | Dejar |
Leave (something/someone) | Salir |
Lend | Prestar |
Like | Gustar |
Limit | Limitar |
Listen | Escuchar |
Live | Vivir |
Look | Mirar |
Look for | Buscar |
Lose | Perder |
Love | Amar |
Make | Hacer |
Measure | Medir |
Meet | Encontrar |
Move | Mover |
Need | Necesitar |
Offer | Ofrecer |
Open | Abrir |
Order | Pedir |
Paint | Pintar |
Pay | Pagar |
Play | Jugar |
Pray | Rezar |
Prefer | Preferir |
Prepare | Preparar |
Press | Presionar |
Prevent | Impedir |
Produce | Producir |
Protect | Proteger |
Provide | Ofrecer |
Push | Empujar |
Reach | Llegar |
Read | Leer |
Receive | Recibir |
Record | Grabar |
Reduce | Reducir |
Release | Lanzar |
Remember | Recordar |
Remove | Eliminar |
Repeat | Repetir |
Replace | Sustituir |
Reply | Responder |
Resist | Resistir |
Return | Volver |
Reveal | Revelar |
Run | Correr |
Say | Decir |
See | Ver |
Sell | Vender |
Send | Enviar |
Sew | Coser |
Share | Compartir |
Show | Mostrar |
Sing | Cantar |
Sit | Sentarse |
Sleep | Dormir |
Smile | Sonreír |
Speak | Hablar |
Start | Iniciar |
Study | Estudiar |
Succeed | Lograr |
Suggest | Sugerir |
Supply | Ofrecer |
Suppose | Suponer |
Survive | Sobrevivir |
Swear | Jurar |
Swim | Nadar |
Take | Tomar |
Talk | Hablar |
Taste | Probar |
Teach | Enseñar |
Tell | Decir |
Thank | Agradecer |
Think | Pensar |
Throw | Lanzar |
Touch | Tocar |
Train | Entrenar |
Translate | Traducir |
Travel | Viajar |
Treat | Tratar |
Trust | Confiar |
Try | Intentar |
Turn | Voltear |
Understand | Entender |
Use | Usar |
Visit | Visitar |
Wait | Esperar |
Wake up | Despertar |
Walk | Caminar |
Want | Querer |
Watch | Ver |
Wear | Vestir |
Win | Ganar |
Wonder | Preguntarse |
Work | Trabajar |
Write | Escribir |
Note: you can practice what you’ve learned here, and learn how to pronounce each of the words in our Memrise course here, don’t know how to use the platform or sign up? we’ve got you covered in this easy-to-follow tutorial here.

This was our list of the most common verbs in Spanish.
Spanish Verb Review – Top 200
Instructions: Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences, providing the Spanish verb for each English infinitive.
- How do you say “to learn” in Spanish?
- What is the Spanish verb for “to eat”?
- Provide the Spanish translation for “to live”.
- How do you say “to love” in Spanish?
- What is the Spanish verb for “to buy”?
- Translate “to sell” into Spanish.
- How would you say “to open” in Spanish?
- What is the Spanish verb for “to close”?
- Provide the Spanish translation for “to dream”.
- How do you say “to travel” in Spanish?
Answer Key
- Aprender
- Comer
- Vivir
- Amar
- Comprar
- Vender
- Abrir
- Cerrar
- Soñar
- Viajar
Happy learning!
Oualid Cheddadi is a language enthusiast who created Lingualid with the mission to inspire independent language learners worldwide, regardless of the language they are learning. The name “Lingualid” is derived from the Portuguese word for “language,” “língua,” and the last three letters of Oualid’s name, “Lid.”