Loanwords In Moroccan Arabic

In this lesson, we will talk about the loanwords in Moroccan Arabic, which Darija borrowed from other languages, such as French and Spanish, so if you already know one or both, this one is for you.

Loanwords In Moroccan Arabic

Spanish Loanwords In Moroccan Arabic

Blasa بلاصة (ES plaza) place

Bocadio بوكاديو (ES bocadillo) sandwich, which is also used

Cama كامة  (ES cama) bed, only used in the north

Fabor فابور (ES favor) used to say «for free»

Factura فاكتورة (ES factura) the bill

Falso فالصو (ES falso) false/not original

Fishta فيشطة (ES fiesta) ceremony

Fondoفوندو   (ES fondo) bottom of the swimming pool or the sea

Karrosa كروسة (ES carroza) trolley

Kumir  كومير (ES comer) to eat in Spanish but Moroccan use the word kumir for the Parisian bread

Kurda كوردة  (ES cuerda) rope

Kuzinaكوزينة  (ES cocina) kitchen

Manta مانطة  (ES manta) blanket

Mario ماريو (ES el almario) the closet

Playa بلايا  (ES Playa) beach

Rwida رويضة  (ES Rueda) wheel

Semana سيمانة  (ES Semana) week

Note: you can practice what you’ve learned here, and learn how to pronounce each of the words in our Memrise course here, don’t know how to use the platform or sign up? we’ve got you covered in this easy-to-follow tutorial here.

French Loanwords In Moroccan Arabic

Bakiya باكية (FR paquet) package

Banka بانكة (FR banque) bank

Batoباطو  (FR bateau)

Bertma برطمة (FR appartement) apartement

Beshklita بشكليطة (FR bicyclette) bike

Bolis بوليس (FR police) police

Bombiya بومبية (Fr pompiers) firefighters

Brika بريكة  (FR briquet) lighter

Bwata بواطة (FR boite) box

Formaj فرماج (FR fromage) cheese

Forshita فورشيطة (FR fourchette) fork

Garaj جاراج (FR garage)

Grafata كرافاطة (FR cravate) tie

Lagar لاغار (FR la gare) train station

Lbosta لبوسطة (la poste) the poste office

Plakar بلاكار (FR placard) cupboard

Rompwan رمبوان (FR rondpoint) traffic circle

Sbitarسبيطار  (FR hôpital) hospital

Serbita سربيتة (FR serviette) napkin

Tabla طابلة (FR table) table

Telefon تيليفون (FR téléphone) telephone

Tilifision تيليفيزيون (FR télévision) television

Tobisطوبيس   (FR autobus) bus

Tomobil/tonobil طوموبيل/طونوبيل  (FR automobile) car

Tranتران  (train) train

Zizwar زيزوار (FR rasoir) shaver

Moroccan Arabic Loanwords: A Study Guide


Instructions: Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.

  1. What is a loanword?
  2. From which two European languages does Moroccan Arabic borrow a significant number of words?
  3. Provide two examples of Spanish loanwords in Moroccan Arabic and their original Spanish counterparts.
  4. Provide two examples of French loanwords in Moroccan Arabic and their original French counterparts.
  5. What is the Moroccan Arabic word for “sandwich” and from which language does it originate?
  6. What is the Moroccan Arabic word for “hospital” and from which language does it originate?
  7. How does the meaning of the Spanish loanword “comer” differ in its Moroccan Arabic form, “kumir”?
  8. What resource does the article suggest for practicing the pronunciation of Moroccan Arabic loanwords?

Answer Key

  1. A loanword is a word adopted from one language (the donor language) and incorporated into another language (the recipient language) without translation.
  2. Moroccan Arabic borrows significantly from both Spanish and French.
  3. Examples include “blasa” (place) from “plaza” and “factura” (bill) from “factura.”
  4. Examples include “garaj” (garage) from “garage” and “telefon” (telephone) from “téléphone.”
  5. The word for “sandwich” is “bocadillos,” originating from Spanish.
  6. The word for “hospital” is “sbitar,” originating from French “hôpital.”
  7. While “comer” in Spanish means “to eat,” in Moroccan Arabic, “kumir” refers specifically to Parisian bread.
  8. The article suggests a Memrise course for pronunciation practice.

These were some of the many words that Darija borrowed from Spanish and French, some that we have already seen before in the nouns list, if you know other ones, feel free to comment them below.

Happy learning!

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