In this lesson we will learn the names of countries and nationalities in Spanish (with audio), starting with a little explanation followed by a list of countries and nationalities in Spanish.

If you’re confused about the nationality, just say Soy de (I am from) + Country: I’m from Nepal: soy de Nepal.
To ask “where are you from”: De donde eres? : soy de marruecos (I’m from Morocco)
Countries And Nationalities In Spanish
Country | Country (Spanish) | Nationality in Spanish |
Afghanistan | Afganistán | afgano |
Albania | Albania | albanés |
Algeria | Argelia | argelino |
Angola | Angola | angolano |
Antigua and Barbuda | Antigua y Barbuda | antiguano |
Argentina | Argentina | argentino |
Armenia | Armenia | armenio |
Australia | Australia | australiano |
Austria | Austria | austriaco |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaiyán | azerbaiyano |
B | ||
The Bahamas | Las Bahamas | bahameño |
Bahrain | Bahrein | bareiní |
Bangladesh | Bangladais | bangladesí |
Belarus | Bielorrusia | bielorruso |
Belgium | Bélgica | belga |
Belize | Belice | beliceño |
Benin | Benín | beninés |
Bhutan | Bután | butanés |
Bolivia | Bolivia | boliviano |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnia y Herzegovina | bosnio |
Botswana | Botsuana | botsuano |
Brazil | Brasil | brasileño |
Brunei | Brunéi | bruneano |
Bulgaria | Bulgaria | búlgaro |
Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso | burkinés |
Burundi | Burundi | burundés |
C | ||
Cabo Verde | Cabo Verde | caboverdiano |
Cambodia | Camboya | camboyano |
Cameroon | Camerún | camerunés |
Canada | Canadá | canadiense |
Central African Republic | República Centroafricana | centroafricano |
Chad | Chad | chadiano |
Chile | Chile | chileno |
China | China | chino |
Colombia | Colombia | colombiano |
Comoros | Comoras | comorense |
Congo | Congo | congoleño |
Costa Rica | Costa Rica | tico |
Côte d’Ivoire | Côte d’Ivoire | marfileño |
Croatia | Croacia | croato |
Cuba | Cuba | cubano |
Cyprus | Chipre | chipriota |
Czech Republic | República Checa | checo |
D | ||
Denmark | Dinamarca | danés |
Djibouti | Yibuti | Yibuti |
Dominica | Dominica | dominicano |
E | ||
East Timor (Timor-Leste) | Timor Oriental | timorense |
Ecuador | Ecuador | ecuatoriano |
Egypt | Egipto | egipcio |
El Salvador | El Salvador | salvadoreño |
Eritrea | Eritrea | eritreo |
Estonia | Estonia | estonio |
Ethiopia | Etiopía | etíope |
F | ||
Fiji | Fiyi | fijiano |
Finland | Finlandia | finlandés |
France | Francia | francés |
G | ||
Gabon | Gabón | gabonés |
The Gambia | Gambia | gambiano |
Georgia | Georgia | georgiano |
Germany | Alemania | alemán |
Ghana | Ghana | ghanés |
Greece | Grecia | griego |
Guatemala | Guatemala | guatemalteco |
Guinea | Guinea | guineano |
Guinea-Bissau | Guinea-Bissau | guineano |
H | ||
Haiti | Haití | haitiano |
Honduras | Honduras | hondureño |
Hungary | Hungría | húngaro |
I | ||
Iceland | Islandia | islandés |
India | India | indio |
Indonesia | Indonesia | indionisio |
Iran | Irán | iraní |
Iraq | Iraq | iraquí |
Ireland | Irlanda | irlandés |
Italy | Italia | italiano |
J | ||
Jamaica | Jamaica | jamaicano |
Japan | Japón | japonés |
Jordan | Jordania | jordano |
K | ||
Kazakhstan | Kazajistán | kazajo |
Kenya | Kenia | keniata |
Korea, North | Corea del Norte | norcoreano |
Korea, South | Corea del Sur | surcoreano |
Kosovo | Kosovo | kosovi |
Kuwait | Kuwait | kuwaití |
Kyrgyzstan | Kirguistán | kirguís |
L | ||
Laos | Laos | laosiano |
Latvia | Letonia | letón |
Lebanon | Líbano | libanés |
Liberia | Liberia | liberiano |
Libya | Libia | libio |
Lithuania | Lituania | lituano |
M | ||
Madagascar | Madagascar | malgache |
Malawi | Malaui | malauí |
Malaysia | Malasia | malayo |
Maldives | Maldivas | maldivo |
Mali | Malí | maliense |
Malta | Malta | maltés |
Mauritania | Mauritania | mauritano |
Mauritius | Mauricio | mauriciano |
Mexico | México | mexicano |
Moldova | Moldavia | moldoviano |
Mongolia | Mongolia | mongól |
Montenegro | Montenegro | montenegrino |
Morocco | Marruecos | marroquí |
Mozambique | Mozambique | mozambiqueño |
Myanmar (Burma) | Myanmar | birmano |
N | ||
Namibia | Namibia | namibio |
Netherlands | Países Bajos | holandés |
New Zealand | Nueva Zelandia | neozelandés |
Nicaragua | Nicaragua | nicaragüense |
Niger | Níger | nigerino |
Nigeria | Nigeria | nigeriano |
Norway | Noruega | noruego |
O | ||
Oman | Omán | omanés |
P | ||
Pakistan | Paquistán | pakistaní |
Palestine | Palestina | palestino |
Panama | Panamá | panameño |
Paraguay | Paraguay | paraguayo |
Peru | Perú | peruano |
Philippines | Filipinas | filipino |
Poland | Polonia | polaco |
Portugal | Portugal | portugués |
Q | ||
Qatar | Qatar | catarí |
R | ||
Romania | Rumanía | rumano |
Russia | Rusia | ruso |
Rwanda | Ruanda | ruandés |
S | ||
Saudi Arabia | Arabia Saudita | saudí |
Senegal | Senegal | senegalés |
Serbia | Serbia | serbio |
Seychelles | Seychelles | seychelense |
Sierra Leone | Sierra Leona | sierraleonés |
Singapore | Singapur | singapurense |
Slovakia | Eslovaquia | eslovaco |
Slovenia | Eslovenia | esloveno |
Somalia | Somalia | somalí |
South Africa | Sudáfrica | sudafricano |
Spain | España | español |
Sudan | Sudán | sudanés |
Sudan, South | Sudán, Sur | sursudanés |
Suriname | Surinam | surinamés |
Sweden | Suecia | sueco |
Switzerland | Suiza | suizo |
Syria | Siria | sirio |
T | ||
Tajikistan | Tayikistán | tayiko |
Tanzania | Tanzania | tanzano |
Thailand | Tailandia | tailandés |
Togo | Togo | togolés |
Trinidad and Tobago | Trinidad y Tobago | trinitense |
Tunisia | Túnez | tunecino |
Turkey | Turquía | turco |
Turkmenistan | Turkmenistán | turcomano |
U | ||
Uganda | Uganda | ugandés |
Ukraine | Ucrania | ucranio |
United Arab Emirates | Emiratos Árabes Unidos | emiratí |
United Kingdom | Reino Unido | británico |
United States | Estados Unidos | estadounidense |
Uruguay | Uruguay | uruguayo |
Uzbekistan | Uzbekistán | uzbeco |
V | ||
Venezuela | Venezuela | venezolano |
Vietnam | Vietnam | vietnamita |
Y | ||
Yemen | Yemen | yemení |
Z | ||
Zambia | Zambia | zambiano |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabue | zimbabuense |
Note: you can practice what you’ve learned here, and learn how to pronounce each of the words in our Memrise course here, don’t know how to use the platform or sign up? we’ve got you covered in this easy-to-follow tutorial here.

That was the list of countries and nationalities in Spanish, comment yours below!
Spanish Countries and Nationalities Review
Instructions: Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences.
- What is the Spanish word for “country”?
- What is the Spanish word for “nationality”?
- How do you say “I am from [country]” in Spanish?
- Provide an example of how to say “I am from [country]” in Spanish, replacing “[country]” with a country of your choice.
- How do you ask someone “Where are you from?” in Spanish?
- What is the Spanish nationality for someone from Argentina?
- What is the Spanish nationality for someone from Egypt?
- What is the Spanish word for “The Bahamas”?
- What is the Spanish nationality for someone from Equatorial Guinea?
Short Answer Key
- País
- Nacionalidad
- “Soy de” + [country]
- (Example using Mexico): Soy de México.
- ¿De dónde eres?
- Argentino/Argentina
- Egipcio/Egipcia
- Las Bahamas
- Guineano/Guineana
Happy learning!
Oualid Cheddadi is a language enthusiast who created Lingualid with the mission to inspire independent language learners worldwide, regardless of the language they are learning. The name “Lingualid” is derived from the Portuguese word for “language,” “língua,” and the last three letters of Oualid’s name, “Lid.”