This list of the most 140 common adjectives in Brazilian Portuguese (with audio) is the perfect place to start expanding your Portuguese vocabulary, and it’s very useful when it comes to producing descriptive sentences, which can be used daily.

Most Common Adjectives In Brazilian Portuguese
English | Brazilian Portuguese |
Able | Capaz |
Active | Ativo |
Aged | Velho/ Antigo |
Amazing | Incrível |
Angry | Zangado |
Awake | Acordado |
Bad | Má |
Beautiful | Belo / Bela |
Best | Melhor |
Big | Grande |
Black | Preto |
Broken | Quebrado |
Burnt | Queimado |
Busy | Ocupado |
Certain | Certo |
Cheap | Barato |
Chic | Chique |
Clean | Limpo |
Clear | Claro |
Clever | Inteligente |
Close | Perto |
Closed | Fechado |
Cold | Frio |
Comfortable | Confortável |
Complex | Complexo |
Cooked | Cozido |
Crazy | Louco |
Dangerous | Perigoso |
Dark colored | De cor escura |
Dear | Querido/ Querida |
Delicious | Delicioso |
Different | Diferente |
Difficult | Difícil |
Dirty | Sujo |
Dizzy | Tonto |
Dry | Seco |
Dumb | Estúpido |
Early | Cedo |
Easy | Fácil |
Economic | Econômico |
Empty | Vazio |
Envious | Invejoso |
Expensive | Caro |
Famous | Famoso |
Far | Longe |
Fast | Rápido |
Fat | Gordo |
Free | Gratuito / Livre |
Full | Cheio |
Funny | Engraçado |
Generous | Generoso |
Good | Bem |
Great | ótimo |
Greedy | Ganancioso |
Happy | Feliz |
Hard | Difícil |
Heavy | Pesado |
High | Alto |
Hot | Quente |
Human | Humano |
Important | Importante |
Innocent | Inocente |
International | Internacional |
Jealous | Ciumento |
Kind | Gentil |
Known | Conhecido |
Large | Grande |
Last | Último |
Late | Atrasado |
Light | Leve |
Light colored | De cor clara |
Little | Pequeno |
Local | Local |
Low | Baixo |
Major | Major |
Medium | Médium |
Messy | Bagunçado |
Military | Militar |
Mixed | Misto |
Modern | Moderno |
Much | Muito |
Mute | Mudo |
Nasty | Desagradável |
National | Nacional |
Natural | Natural |
Naughty | Travesso |
Necessary | Necessário |
Nervous | Nervoso |
New | Novo |
Normal | Normal |
Old | Velho |
Open | Aberto |
Polite | Educado |
Political | Político |
Popular | Popular |
Possible | Possível |
Pretty | Bonito |
Public | Público |
Real | Real |
Recent | Recente |
Respectable | Respeitável |
Right | Direita |
Rough | Áspero |
Round | Redondo |
Sad | Triste |
Salty | Salgado |
Sensitive | Sensível |
Serious | Sério |
Sharp | Afiado |
Short | Curto |
Shy | Tímido |
Sick | Doente |
Silent | Silencioso |
Similar | Semelhante |
Skillful | Hábil |
Small | Pequeno |
Smart | Inteligente |
Social | Social |
Soft | Macio |
Solid | Sólido |
Spacious | Espaçoso |
Special | Especial |
Spicy | Picante |
Stinky | Fedorento |
Strong | Forte |
Stupid | Estúpido |
Sweet | Doce |
Tall/Long | Alto/Longo |
Thin | Fino |
Tight | Apertado |
Tired | Cansado |
Traditional | Tradicional |
Ugly | Feio |
Warm | Morno |
Weird | Estranho |
Wet | Molhado |
White | Branco |
Whole | Todo |
Wrong | Errado |
Young | Jovem |
Note: you can practice what you’ve learned here, and learn how to pronounce each of the words in our Memrise course here, don’t know how to use the platform or sign up? we’ve got you covered in this easy-to-follow tutorial here.

Brazilian Portuguese Adjectives Review
Instructions: Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each, drawing from the provided vocabulary list.
- How would you describe a delicious meal in Portuguese?
- Translate the following sentence into Portuguese: “The black cat is small and shy.”
- Provide the Portuguese words for the following colors: white, black, red, yellow, blue.
- What is the difference between “alto” and “comprido” when describing something tall?
- How would you express that something is free of charge in Portuguese?
- Translate this phrase: “A beautiful and intelligent woman.”
- What are two ways to say “free” in Portuguese, and what is the nuance between them?
- You are feeling ill. How would you express this in Portuguese?
- You want to compliment someone on their new car. What would you say in Portuguese?
- You are running late for an appointment. How do you apologize for being late in Portuguese?
Answer Key:
- “A comida está deliciosa!”
- “O gato preto é pequeno e tímido.”
- White: branco, Black: preto, Red: vermelho, Yellow: amarelo, Blue: azul (Note: While these colors are not included in the provided list, they are essential basic vocabulary.)
- “Alto” refers to height in general, while “comprido” specifically describes something long and thin.
- “Gratuito” or “É de graça.”
- “Uma mulher bonita e inteligente.”
- “Gratuito” and “livre.” “Gratuito” implies something is free of charge, while “livre” refers to freedom or being unconstrained.
- “Estou doente.”
- “Seu carro novo é incrível!” or “Parabéns pelo carro novo!”
- “Desculpe o atraso.”
Happy Learning!
Oualid Cheddadi is a language enthusiast who created Lingualid with the mission to inspire independent language learners worldwide, regardless of the language they are learning. The name “Lingualid” is derived from the Portuguese word for “language,” “língua,” and the last three letters of Oualid’s name, “Lid.”