Plural in Portuguese – The Definitive Guide

In this lesson, we will talk about the plural in Portuguese, how to form them, and some irregular forms. followed by examples.

Plural in Portuguese - The Definitive Guide in brazilian portuguese

First of all, I like to make it clear that forming the plural in Portuguese doesn’t follow a one single rule, that depends on the endings and there are of course some irregulars, in this guide we will talk about the main forms.

Form 1: Words ending with “r” or “es”: add “es” to the end     


  • Cruz (cross) – cruzes
  • Mar (sea) – mares

Form 2: Words ending with “al”, “el”, “ol”, “ul”: replace “l” with “is”.    


  • Canal (channel) – canais
  • Pastel (pastry) – pastéis

Exception: mal (bad) – males

Form 3: Words ending with “m”: replace “m” with “n” then add “s” to the end.  

Example: Homem (man) – homens

Form 4: Words ending with “ãe” or a vowel: add “s” to the end.            


  • Mesa (table) – mesas
  • Mãe (mother) – Mães
  • Linda (beautiful) – lindas

Form 5: Words ending with “s”: add “es” to the end.                  

Examples: País (country) – Países

Some words like “o lápis” (pencil) keep the same form in plural: os lapis

Form 6: Words ending with “ão”: replace “ão” with “ões”.                  


  • Coração (heart) – corações
  • Leão (lion) – leões

Some exceptions:

  • Mão (hand) – mãos
  • Cão (dog) – cães

Note: you can practice what you’ve learned here, and learn how to pronounce each of the words in our Memrise course here, don’t know how to use the platform or sign up? we’ve got you covered in this easy-to-follow tutorial here.

How to form the plural in in Portuguese visual

Practice what you’ve just learnt and try to form the plural of some nouns that we’ve seen.

Happy learning!

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