How To Express Possession In French – The Complete Guide

In this lesson, we will talk about the possession in French, how to express it with adjectives and pronouns, and two easy-to-use prepositions , followed by examples.

how to express possession in french

Possessive Adjectives In French

Possessive adjectives are used to indicate to whom or to what a thing/person belongs:

Mon livre – my book

Every personal pronoun has its matching possessive adjective, and the selection of the adjective depends on the gender of the “owned” thing/person, and they must agree in gender and number:

Personal PronounsPossessive Adjective (Masc)Poss. Adj. (Fem)Poss. Adj. (plural)English
tutontatesYour (singular)
il/ellesonsasesHis, her, its
vousvotrevotrevosYour (plural)

Mon frère – my brother

Mes frères – my brothers

Ton frère – your brother

Tes frères – your brothers

Son frère – his brother

Ses frères – his brothers

Notre frère – our brother

Nos frères – our brothers

Votre frère – your brother (you plural)

Vos frères – your brothers (you plural)

Leur frère – their brother

Leurs frères – their brothers

Leur sœur -their sister

Leurs sœurs – their sisters

Ma sœur – my sister

Mes sœurs – my sisters

Note: If the possessive adjective comes before a vowel, we use the masculine: mon amie – my friend (girl)

Note: you can practice what you’ve learned here, and learn how to pronounce each of the words in our Memrise course here, don’t know how to use the platform or sign up? we’ve got you covered in this easy-to-follow tutorial here.

Possessive Pronouns In French

We use possessive pronouns to avoid the repetition and replace nouns modified by a possessive adjective, so instead of saying “it’s not my book, it’s her book”, we say “it’s not my book, it’s hers

Every possessive adjective has its equivalent pronoun

Je > mon/ma > le mien / la miennemine
Tu > ton/ta > le tien / la tienneyours
il/elle > son/sa > le sien / la siennehis, hers, its
nous > notre > le nôtre / la nôtreours
vous > votre > le vôtre / la vôtreyours
ils / elle > leur > le leur / la leurtheirs

And the plural form:

les miens / les miennesmine
les tiens / les tiennesyours
les siens / les sienneshis, hers, its
les nôtres / les nôtresours
les vôtres / les vôtresyours
les leurs / les leurstheirs

Possessive with the prepositions “de” and “à”

Possessive “de”

The preposition de is the equivalent of the English ‘s :

Le livre de Oualid – Oualid’s book

Like we’ve seen in the articles lesson, the preposition de when it comes before le and les, they make du and des

Possessive “à”

The preposition à is used to emphasis the ownership of the object, and it’s usually used in the following forms:

  • noun + être + à + stressed pronoun, noun or name
  • c’est + à + stressed pronoun, noun or name

Le livre est à Oualid

That was today’s lesson about possession in French.

Happy learning

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