Learn English With YouTube – The Best 7 Channels

How to learn English? “I’ve studied the grammar but when I try to speak, words don’t come out”, or “I’m a beginner and want to learn more”… these are some of the questions I get about learning English, that’s why today I’m going to list 7 of the best channels to learn English with YouTube, the ones that helped me personally, let’s get started!

Learn English With YouTube - The Best 7 Channels
Learn English With YouTube – The Best 7 Channels

First, you have to understand that YouTube is not just about entertainment! it’s a tool, and its outcome depends on HOW YOU USE IT, if you use it to waste your time, it’ll help you do it, if you use it to become a software engineer, it will help you do it, and if you use it to learn English, it will definitely help you do it, as simple as this.

Second, if you have studied English at school for years and don’t remember anything, don’t worry, I was there, studying grammar and passing English exams with high grades, but when it comes to speaking.. no need to tell you, you know hahaha

The channels that helped me to learn are all in English, I know what you’re thinking, “But Oualid how would I follow along while I don’t even understand?” let me tell you this: you already know the basics to be able to understand what you’re reading now, in addition to that, just press the “cc” button to display the video transcript, plus, all educational channels owners speak clearly to make themselves understood.

If you can understand just a little bit, my advice to you is to set the transcript language to English, what if you don’t understand? No problem, you can type it in Google and look for its meaning, maybe it’s a lot of work knowing that you don’t know much of the language, but you won’t forget these words and expressions, how?

You hear a word, you see how it’s written, you type it in Google, get its meaning and if you scroll down you get other ways of using it, depending on the context, probably one of the contexts was in the YouTube video you’re watching, good recipe right?

You can use these search queries:

“Word X” meaning / How to use “The word X”

Try to use the new words as soon as possible.

If you read this paragraph and understood it, good, continue reading!

Here are the YouTube channels that helped me to learn English (personally):

Learn English with EnglishClass101.com

Learn English with EnglishClass101.com
Learn English with EnglishClass101.com

Whenever I start to learn a new language, this is my first place, they have a lot of videos for every level:
Absolute beginner
This is the their link

JamesESL English Lessons (engVid)

JamesESL English Lessons (engVid)
JamesESL English Lessons (engVid)

When you surpass the first steps, say hi from me to Mr James, and don’t get frustrated seeing the board 😉 here is the link again.

Learn English with Papa Teach Me

Learn English with Papa Teach Me
Learn English with Papa Teach Me

Follow the order, if you’ve arrived here and don’t understand something, don’t worry, learn more and come back here, I always learn new things from his channel, here’s the link

Rachel’s English

Rachel's English
Rachel’s English

After finding this channel, many things have changed for good, like the terrible accent i got from relying only on textbooks at school, Rachel has a lot of lessons that will help you overcome this problem, here is the link.

English Jade – Learn English (engVid)

English Jade - Learn English (engVid)
English Jade – Learn English (engVid)

This channel is like James’, but with a different style, and the instructor is British, here is the link

Jade Joddle – Speak Well

Jade Joddle - Speak Well
Jade Joddle – Speak Well

This is Jade’s channel that we talked about previously, the link

Learn English With Let’s Talk

Learn English With Let's Talk
Learn English With Let’s Talk

Here you’ll learn many things that will help you with your English, Link

If you’d like to watch videos about different topics, a good place to start is TEDxTalks, there you’ll find interesting speakers from all over the world, here is the link.

Okay great, now I will spend all day long watching these YouTube videos…

DON’T DO THAT! spending long hours and then getting bored, discouraged, and waiting to learn this way, is a waste of time, if you instead focus for 15-30 min/day, this would have a better effect in the long run.

What’s next?

The type of videos that you enjoy watching is available also in English and can be sport, food, travel, comedy…

Another thing that I would like you to do is to read this blog post, where many people from different countries and different languages talk about their experiences learning English, I hope that the stories inspire you, and I also hope that you’ll be one of them, and send me your story to add it to the article, do we have a deal?

Have a nice day!

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