In this lesson, you will learn to talk about days, months, and seasons in German, and you will learn other useful vocabulary.

Days Of The Week In German
English | German |
Monday | Montag |
Tuesday | Dienstag |
Wednesday | Mittwoch |
Thursday | Donnerstag |
Friday | Freitag |
Saturday | Samstag |
Sunday | Sonntag |

Months Of The Year In German
English | German |
January | Januar |
February | Februar |
March | März |
April | April |
May | Mai |
June | Juni |
July | Juli |
August | August |
September | September |
October | Oktober |
November | November |
December | Dezember |

Seasons In German
English | German |
Spring | Spring |
Summer | Sommer |
Fall | Fall |
Winter | Winter |
Useful Vocab To Express Time
Today – Heute
Tomorrow – Morgen
Yesterday – Gestern
The day before yesterday – Vorgestern
Week – Woche
Weekdays/Workdays, Days of the week – Wochentage
Weekend – Wochenende
Month – Monat
Months of the year – Monate des Jahres
Year – Jahr
Next year – Nächstes Jahr
Last year – Letztes Jahr
That was our lesson about days, months, and seasons in German, make sure to practice before moving to the next lesson.
German Time Vocabulary Study Guide
Instructions: Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences using complete German words.
- What is the German word for Wednesday? How is it spelled?
- What is the German word for October? How is it spelled?
- What is the German word for summer? How is it spelled?
- Translate this sentence into German: “Today is Tuesday.”
- Translate this sentence into German: “See you next year!”
- Provide the German words for “yesterday” and its English definition.
- How do you say “days of the week” in German?
- What is the German word for “month”? How do you say “months of the year”?
- What is the German word for “weekend”? How is it spelled?
Answer Key
- The German word for Wednesday is Mittwoch.
- The German word for October is Oktober.
- The German word for summer is Sommer.
- “Today is Tuesday.” → “Heute ist Dienstag.”
- “See you next year!” → “Bis nächstes Jahr!”
- The German word for yesterday is “Gestern”, and its English definition is “the day before today.”
- “Days of the week” in German is “Wochentage”.
- The German word for “month” is “Monat”, and “months of the year” is “Monate des Jahres”.
- The German word for “weekend” is “Wochenende”, and it is spelled W-o-c-h-e-n-e-n-d-e.
Happy learning!
Oualid Cheddadi is a language enthusiast who created Lingualid with the mission to inspire independent language learners worldwide, regardless of the language they are learning. The name “Lingualid” is derived from the Portuguese word for “language,” “língua,” and the last three letters of Oualid’s name, “Lid.”